Episode 040: What’s Wrong With Me? (Part 2)

“What’s wrong with me?” Last week we took a serious look at this question and, today, we will discover the third component while peering deeper into the question.  Additionally, we will discover a second, even more profound question, that we must be asking ourselves.  Listen in today for a deeper look at the old question and discover the new question we must all be asking ourselves! 


“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than you.”    ~Dr. Seuss 

Show Notes:

3 Areas You May Find Yourself Stuck

1.  Patterns Repeated

  • Unhealthy patterns you tend to repeat and that need to be challenge 

2.  Desire to be Loved and Respected

  • The ‘What’s wrong with me?’ inquiry can occur as a response to not being invited to a party, being dismissed by someone, or  having a comment you made that is dropped/ignored/not responded to and having the concurrent feelings of rejection and disrespect that follow. 

3.  The Comparison Game –

  • Ask yourself, are you comparing yourself to people around you?  What do you hope to gain by doing so?
  •  Making comparisons is a dangerous game.
  • If you were to use comparison for good, it would look more like celebrating your sisters where they are in life and celebrating their successes. 
  • Another way to use comparison for good is to compare yourself to yourself.  You are changing very day, but can you say you are changing for the better?  

***If it is easier to name what is wrong with you, then for you it is important to begin naming and noticing ‘What is RIGHT with you’- your gifts, your skills, your successes, your talents, your character.*** 

Gal 6:4-5, 2 Cor 10:12, Ps 119:59, Heb 12:1, 1 Cor 11:28, Prov 3:5-6, Ps 139:13-14, Ps 139:2-4 

Freebie Alert! 

As I close out this 2-part series on ‘What’s Wrong With Me?’, I have created a worksheet with a series of questions and actions to assist you as you consider the ‘3 Areas You May Find Yourself Stuck’.