Episode 025: Holding Story/Creating Space ~ Part 2

Kindness in holding yours and other’s stories takes practice.  The holding space is sacred, can be scary, and often comes at a high price.  And yet, if done well, holding stories can bring healing to ourselves, others, and relationships.  Let’s take seriously and creatively our God given stories.


 “I would like to beg you dear sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language.”     ~Rainier Maria Rilk

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Episode 024: Holding Story/Creating Space ~ Part 1

Holding story and creating space to hold a story well is discussed and context is considered.  Friendship includes creating space to hold stories.  This is particularly true if a friend shares a trauma story or a story that needs healing.  Listen also to how one woman shared from her heart and how her story was dropped, much to her dismay. 


“Don’t be afraid to risk joining someone in their pain. It’s worth it.  It’s worth it to the other person.”  ~Krishana Kraft 

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Episode 023: Restore Relating as an Adult Child to Parent ~ Part 3 ~Interview with Ellie

Repairing your relationship as an adult with your parents can be extremely difficult waters to navigate.  Whether the break in relationship was from childhood wounding, trauma, or from a recent argument, the tensions and risk involved in a repair attempt can leave you feeling overwhelmed and hopeless.  Listen in today to hear how one woman faced these troubled waters and survived.  

“A story of redemption is always more beautiful than one of innocence.”   ~Dawn Woods

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Episode 022: Restore Relating as an Adult to Parent ~ Part 2 

How in the world are you supposed to manage a relationship with your parents when fraught with manipulation, stress, anger, trauma, etc? You love your parents, you want more from them.  However, the desire for repair becomes dull as you fear reliving some uncomfortable, painful dance from the past.

Listen in to today’s podcast for hope towards repair in the adult child/parent relationship.


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Episode 021: Restore Relating as an Adult to Parent ~ Part 1

How in the world are you supposed to manage a relationship with your parents when fraught with manipulation, stress, anger, trauma, etc? You love your parents, you want more from them.  However, the desire for repair becomes dull as you fear reliving some uncomfortable, painful dance from the past.

Listen in to today’s podcast for hope towards repair in the adult child/parent relationship.


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Episode 020: Restore Relating as a Parent to Child ~ Part 3

Listen in to how one Mom takes what she is learning about paying attention to her body while applying this learning to her parenting skills.  Hear how her failure and success can offer encouragement to do the hard work of attuning. 


“The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.” Peggy O’Mara

Show Notes:

Kim, a Baylor graduate with a degree in Management, a missionary to Central Asia and now to Austria, a wife, and mom to two children shares how attuning to her body is helping her to create healthier patterns in her relating style to herself and others, while informing and enhancing her parenting skills.

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Episode 019: Restore Relating as a Parent to Child ~ Part 2

How your parents related to you as a child significantly impacts how you relate to your children.  What does a healthy parent/child bond look like?  Listen today to discover the powerful role affection can have with repair, as well as, learn other tips and tricks along the way.


“The parent-child connection is the most powerful mental health intervention known to mankind.” ~ Bessel van der Kolk 

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Episode 018: Restore Relating as a Parent to Child~ Part 1

How your parents related to you as a child significantly impacts how you relate to your children.  Knowing your own childhood attachment stories and what you did and did not receive as a child, will help you make needed changes to become not only a “good enough” parent, but a healthy, attuned parent raising connected kids.


“When each one of us comes into the world, we enter it looking for someone looking for us.”  ~ Curt Thompson

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Episode 017: Relating to Your Spouse ~ Part 2

Understanding how the brain works can help you make healthier relational choices—especially when you are upset or triggered.  Exchanging your relational dance that leads to disaster with that of a more playful and productive dance can help your relationship be restored and thrive.


“There’s nothing that harshness does that loving firmness doesn’t do better.” ~ Terry Rea

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Episode 016: Relating to Your Spouse ~ Part 1

Ever wonder what happens to a relationship when the other person becomes your idol? I do. Been there, done that. I hopefully have learned something! Today, I would like to share my gleanings moving from the harmful effects of idolizing my spouse to experiencing the benefits of releasing him from this austere position. 


“Find a partner who encourages you to grow, who won’t cling to you, who will let you go out into the world, and trust that you will come back.”  ~Curiano.com

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