
Like a map with a “You Are Here” dot, these workshops give weight to not only where you are today, but also where you’ve come from and an opportunity to be curious about the future. Given your past experiences and present reality, there is an invitation to ask, In what direction am I headed? Does this match the path God created for me? 

The reason for looking inside is not to affect direct change of negative emotions to positive emotions. Instead, we are to listen to and ponder what we feel in order to be moved to the far deeper issue of what our hearts are doing with God and with others. —Dan Allender

Available Workshops

Each workshop is offered in FOUR different formats.  

understandingyourstory-withborderUnderstanding Your Story: A Faith, Hope, and Love Journey 

spiritual nurture retreat workshops page photos with borderSpiritual Nurture Retreat

Creating a Prayer of Peace

createyourworkshop-withborderRequest a specific theme for your group or church. 

DoYouSeeThisWoman small photoDo You See This Woman? (A Spiritual Nurture Retreat)

Half of the proceeds from these workshops will go toward supporting workshops and retreats for missionary women in Europe. If you would like to support Dawn in taking these workshops and others to missionaries overseas, then 
click here for more information.